So I go out to the Si this morning to drive my lazy ass to work and guess what? Doors are frozen shut. "Oh yeah," I think to myself. "I washed my car last night.... DUMBASS!"
But I was getting close to having the driver's side door pulled free -- just one more tug.
CRAAAAACK -- and the handle of the door breaks away in my hand. Looks like a no go on the car. So I'm on the bike today -- a forced commute, you could say. It'll be a good thing, I'm sure -- and I've got long johns on, so I won't totally freeze.
Luckily Laura hadn't left for work yet, so I did get a ride into the office. Man, I've turned into a cold weather wuss!! I need to work on that... cuz I still love riding my bike!
And through this, I got to be reminded of how thankful I am for having Laura as my wife. Her compassion and empathy are about the only things that allow me to live with myself sometimes. It's easy to take for granted sometimes, but when I'm mentally beating myself up over my crisis-of-the-moment, hearing her calmly tell me that it's alright, and that we can work through it makes all the difference in the world.
What a morning... I hope your day started off smoother than mine did!
There's gonna be another fit once you see your bill from the dealer. Ouch on that one.
No worries on my morning commute - Peter Frampton was interviewed. Funny dude.
yeah, it was a bummer. i've already set the expectation with laura that it's likely not going to be a cheap fix...
i've gotten to enjoy the moto-ice commute the last few days. dicey on the conti' "traffic" tires at lo psi.
one fall so far. i'm sure there will be more before the year is out.
nice... i'd rather be on my bike than in a car on ice usually... but in a sea of cars, perhaps not. that's the beauty of commuting by bike though -- the ability to take the roads less traveled.
I don't think my car will start right now...
I've turned into a huge commuter, um, wussy. I blame it on a long commute through the country at high speeds (that makes it reallllly cold), but in the end, i just suck.
Damn, mg. I would've liked to have been there to witness that one. Did you ever get your roof rack going? :)
that's messed up dude.
yeah you should try getting the damn door open... you can do it, but it's not easy.
dave, my roof rack was going again. you saw it at the 'fest back in may. it's outta commission again tho. more tower problems, and i hate the thing anyway, so i'm probably going to have a custom hitch put onto the Si at some point over the winter. our new subie has a hitch, so we can use our backpacker rack with that car right now. that'll suffice for the winter.
All love, Matty. Can't wait to see you guys, by the way. No hard update on the Lg Spider, though. I know a bunch of stuff is in production right now that's forecast to be finished in a couple weeks. I will check on the specifics.
Thanks for the kind words. I'm a little afraid to see the estimate. Do you really need a door handle?!
I think Dave is giving you grief for the Platte ride you two missed out on b/c of looking for (and not finding) a part for the roof rack. Remember?
We love you, Matty!
dude that sucks. be a dirt bag, just enter through the passenger side.
tara and i went to sushi last night wiht emily. she said you said to say hi. word man. work should be bringing me back to Nebraska this spring.
you heading to Oachita?
Hey, talk to doug about a custom hitch. I know he's made quite a few for the S2000. That type of thing is right up his alley.
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