After more than six months of planning, the 2009 Big Wheeled Ballyhoo went off this past weekend at Potter's Pasture near Brady, Nebraska. And well, it was going to be an awesome event... It started out really good. Friday was killer... I wish I'd have been able to get there earlier than I did, which was at about 4:30pm, but the realities of securing the raffle items, packing everything in Laura's Subaru (which used to seem much roomier) and getting out to Brady, which with multiple construction zones, was more than 3 hours away, it got late quick.
Kyle and I took off at dusk with about a group of a dozen folks that came in from all over the country... It was super cool. It still blows my mind to think that in the group we had riders from Oregon, Colorado, Minnesota, Iowa and Nebraska representing. It wasn't just a bunch of locals... Despite the threatening weather, riders traveled in from all over to participate in the Ballyhoo! I feel a huge debt of gratitude to guys like Cory Heintz, who rode for almost three weeks to Colorado, then drove the rest of the way with friends to participate in the Ballyhoo. That's cool.

Butch Johnson from Cycle Works was there, leadin' the charge on one of the sweet new Giant XtC 29er demo bikes, along with the guys from Minnesota on their Trek 69er singlespeeds, running 32/17, if memory serves. Holy COW that's tall gearing, gentlemen! No wonder they were literally flying up the climbs. They left me in the dust on the first climbs, but as the pace moderated a bit, I was able to get back onto the bus.
But as we crested the first climb, we saw the first of what would end up being many snowflakes that weekend. It added a cool, surreal element to the ride that anyone whose been on a snowstorm night ride will immediately relate to. And as we met up with Chad Quigley, who'd had light issues earlier and had to link up with us, we started down Hornitos, one of Potter's Pasture's premier descents. It was rippin'... And little did I know, it'd be the best descent I'd get all weekend.
A few moments later we rolled into camp to the hoots and hollers of about 25-30 folks gathered around the bonfire listening to banjo music. That was a cool way to end the ride!
Our friend Steve Potter was there. He's the Man behind Potter's Pasture. And if you ask him about it, he'll humbly state that he's "merely the caretaker of the land for a while," but I think we're really fortunate to have somebody that's willing to share his amazing natural resource with us, simply for us to enjoy. We are the lucky ones and we all owe Steve Potter a huge THANK YOU, even though this year, despite our best laid plans, the best part of the Big Wheeled Ballyhoo went unrealized due to the 6-9 inches of snow that fell over the entire area.

Honestly, we were fortunate we weren't 20 miles west in North Platte. They got 17 inches of snow... So in retrospect, we should be thankful for what we didn't get! But that said, it's hard to feel lucky when six months of planning are largely nullified by an act of nature that is completely out of your control. That just sucked.
On Saturday morning, I awoke in a pitch black tent, only to realize I was waking up more than an hour late (and a half hour into the start of the breakfast). The snow had piled so high on my tent that it blocked out all the light, and I was so bundled up in my sleeping bag, apparently I didn't hear my iPod that was set as my alarm clock. Whoops!!
So I quickly got dressed and got outside to find that our pancake guy wasn't going to show (even though his super pancake cooker was hooked up and ready to go), so we were left to cook pancakes in Paul Brasby's camper, two at a time. In fact, Paul was already hooked up and cookin'. What a stud. Since folks were getting up slowly, somehow the cooking pace worked out with a little patience on the participants' parts (which we were extremely grateful for -- thank you very much!).

Sunday morning came, and with it the realization that we had to reconnect with the society we'd willingly unplugged from two days earlier. In many ways, we didn't mind that we hadn't ridden our bikes. It was still an incredible experience... To spend a weekend camping among the creatures in the woods is an amazing gift, and is something not enough people take the time to do in today's plugged-in, Internet-age society.
I appreciate the gift Steve Potter has given us in the ability to visit and enjoy his incredible Nebraska singetrack paradise, and I hope you too will someday find the peace and sheer joy that hides within that magnificent piece of land.
We were fortunate to have several great sponsors that stepped up in support of the 2009 Big Wheeled Ballyhoo, all of which remained steadfast in their support throughout the weather-related fiasco. These included Cycle Sport of North Platte, who sponsored the port-a-potties. That was clearly a major sponsorship, and Patty was a early and pivotal supporter of the Big Wheeled Ballyhoo. Thank you to Patty and Cycle Sport!
Brent "Butch" Johnson and Kris Sonderup of Cycle Works in Lincoln were on the scene at the Ballyhoo with a trailer full of Giant XtC 29er demo bikes for folks to try out. Cycle Works and Giant were also co-sponsors of the Saturday morning pancake breakfast, which didn't quite turn out as we'd planned. That said, the food pantry in North Platte received a donation of the supplies we didn't end up using, which will go to feed families in need, and that's a good thing. Thanks again to Butch, Kris, Cycle Works and Giant Bicycles for their support of the Big Wheeled Ballyhoo!
Rob Versteegth at Oakley has been providing me with support for the past couple of seasons and the limited-edition 4-Legged Oakley Frogskins we gave away were the direct result of my relationship with him. It's at moments like this, when I'm typing paragraphs like these last few, that I feel so fortunate... Because this is where I realize that I have a lot of really, really good friends. And Rob is one of them. Anyone who knows me well knows I am absolutely fastidious about my eyewear, and Oakley sunglasses are the eyewear I've chosen to wear, whether I'm paying for it or not, since 1989, no ifs, ands or buts. So to be able to give the gift of Oakley eyewear is something I was especially proud to be able to do at the Ballyhoo.
PricePoint stepped in and donated one of their incredible Sette Razzo 29er frames for the raffle, as well as tubes, patch kits and tire levers for the rides. It was a really cool thing to do and the frame was much nicer than I expected it to be -- I have to admit. We were all dumbfounded by the sweet welds, cool features and insanely low price. But ultimately, we just all wished we were the ones that won it... But that honor went to Kelly Klein. It'll be his first 29er... Perfect. Thanks again PricePoint!
Thanks to my good friend Jason Boucher at Salsa Cycles for providing one of their incredible Fargo framesets for planned Fargo Ride leader and ultra-honch endurance racer, Corey Godfrey to ride. He never had the opportunity to use the bike for its intended purpose, so we're going to look for a future opportunity to hook up with the folks from Salsa and do a Fargo ride that'll show off both the Fargo's and Cornbread's formidable and diverse talents. He's already writing about racing 'cross on the Fargo, which if I recall, isn't exactly what it's designed for... But that said, I bet he still makes it go really fast on a 'cross course! These two guys are two more of those friends, like Rob Versteegth, that I'm just so fortunate to be able to call friends. Thanks to both Jason and Cornbread, and to Salsa Cycles for their friendship and support of the 2009 Big Wheeled Ballyhoo! You guys really are the best.
Taylor "Surly" Weichman, who works at Red Bull's NE ad agency, hooked us up with several cases of Red Bull's new Cola, as well as a bunch of Red Bull Rampage DVDs that we gave away during the raffle. That Red Bull Cola is AMAZING! If you're a cola fan and you haven't tried it yet, you owe it to yourself to pick one up. In fact, the most impressive thing you can do is to take a look at the ingredient list and notice how real the ingredients are... Strong and natural, just like they say it is... Thank you Taylor!
Thank you also to the folks at the Dairy Queen in Brady. They donated several gift certificates for Ballyhoo participants to win in the raffle.
Finally, thank you to everyone involved in the planning and execution of the 2009 Big Wheeled Ballyhoo, including Matt Bergen, Paul Brasby, Matt Gersib, Guitar Ted, Chad Quigley and Kyle Vincent. Regardless of the hand Mother Nature dealt us, we made the best we could of the situation and those in attendance appreciated the effort. It was a worthy undertaking and I'm proud to have been a part of it. Thanks again.
glad it went as well as it did. nice write up, you should be proud of all the hard work you did.
Great write up MG with great pics, wish now I would've come back out on Sat. I was honored to help out where I could for the event & will do so in the future if needed.
Now, if only I had ridden that Fargo on Fri!
Thanks to you both... the first two comments from two of my good buddies, ironically both named Matt.
Bergen, you'll have lots of opportunities to Fargo it up! We'll get you on one sooner or later, so don't worry yourself one bit about missing out this past weekend. And thanks again for all your help with the planning and execution of the event. You really were one of the critical elements that made the whole thing possible!
I agree with mw. You should be proud. Thanks Matt!
What a great weekend it was. I am just happy that I was able to make it out. Even without the riding, I think we all had a great time this weekend.
Thanks guys. While it'd be easy for me to take credit for the work I did on the Ballyhoo, there's no "i" in "team" and as I mentioned in my original post, I'm just proud to have been able to work with guys like you, Mark, as well as Chad, Kyle and Matt Bergen on the Ballyhoo, because it wasn't through the work of any one of us that this happened... It was through the hard work of all of us that it did. I was (and am) just really fortunate to be surrounded by great people...
And we never have trouble having fun when we're together! That's the best part.
Super bummed to have missed it. I made an attempt to get out there on Saturday morning, but I-80 was in terrible shape and I wasn't feeling too good (sick). Hopefully next year everything will come together.
Kudos to MG and everyone else who put this event on. You guys made the best of a not-so-good situation. Next year is gonna 70 degrees and sunny. We're due!
Thanks Cornbread,
I'm sorry you missed it and that you weren't feeling well... Sorry too that we haven't had a chance to catch up since the event. I know we've both been super busy. Hopefully this week we'll be able to sync back up and hook up for a ride. I've gotta' see that killer build you did on your Fargo... From the photos I've seen, it looks pretty incredible. Nice work brother.
Talk to you soon. I just got an email from Chad this morning and there are plans cookin' for the next event at Potter's Pasture... It'll be a good one, no doubt and there's gonna' be something for everyone, regardless of the wheel size you prefer to roll. Fun times... And hopefully no snow. ;-)
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