It's been a while since we had a car payment, and we missed it so much that yesterday Laura and I went out and got ourselves one. Yeah, we jumped onto the Subie bandwagon -- since all of our friends have a Subaru, of course we couldn't be left out.
Let's see, how many of our friends drive Subarus right now? The Wills, Schlake, Chapman, Kline, Bonsall, Ganzel, Birchard and Schmaderer families have them, and I'm sure I've forgotten several more. And for each of those Subie owners I spoke to prior to buying this car, each of them said they'd buy another Subaru in a heartbeat. That's pretty convincing customer satisfaction!
I was even successful in talking Laura into letting us take it to HFF next week. That'll be awfully nice to have the extra room of that car versus the Si. Three people and gear can comfortably travel just about anywhere in it!! Woohoo!
But before we can drive to HFF, we've gotta' survive the shenanigans this weekend with the Lincoln beer ride and all. It's gonna' be a fun next couple of weeks!!
Sweet! I'm not so hot on the Outback thing, but hey, it's still a Subie and a wagon. Don't forget Pablo's 4 Subie's in a row. Or 6 counting the rentals he gets each time he blows up the W.
lol... yeah, the outback thing is a take it or leave it deal with me. it's really laura's car anyway, and if she's happy, i'm happy. it's a nice car regardless...
pablo has had quite a time with that wrx, hasn't he? i think his driving style and the fragility of a turbo... or rather, the necessity of considering you have a turbo spinning at 20,000rpm, doesn't work well with pablo's all-on/all-off driving style. maybe he just needs something like a bmw that has massive power, but is all motor.
a m3 would be sweet, for example.
First time was an oil change castastrophe. Second was... something else.
Did you get the bun warmers? That's the one thing I really wanted in our car. Not that I'd pass it up for the dueling sunroofs.
bun warmers... check. we need 'em today too. we got our first freeze last night, and it's only 45 degrees here today. the weekend will be warmer tho...
if it were my own daily driver, i'd gladly trade the heated seats for the double sunroof action! you and i are of the same opinion there.
So.. If it's her car, that means she picked out the color too, right?
Sweet man. I'll stick up for the Outbacks. I like 'em.
well, the color was what syd was selling, but we both like it. it's a good green.
thanks dave...
Ah, well if'n it's used, who cares what color it is! I just assumed all you folks with that low cost of living buy new new new! You guys will be stoked with it, I'm sure.
yeah we somehow avoided the pull to buy a brand new car. an 05 is new enough for me!
we paid less for the car than the former owner owed on the loan... put it that way.
it was a good deal.
you forgot todd s-house sieler and his junker forester xt. junk!!
oh yeah... that hunk 'o junk. yeah, it's not fast or anything!
i miss sieler...
I do to. Good thing he and S moved out here. Had dinner with em at Oskars not long ago. Looks like they're getting settled. They live not far from Handlebar and Grill. We'll have to go down there when you come up (or have them up).
thanks for the update dave. we'll definitely have to get up to denver to scope their pad in december.
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