Man, what's up with the insane pollen this year?! My allergies are incredibly terrible today.
Hit the park late at night with mw and da butchie -- pure sweetness. It's just dry enough, but just damp enough to give total traction. Get it while it's good -- just don't forget to ring your bell and look out for oncoming traffic!
I had been thinking about hitting the TNR at swanson tonight, but we'll see how i'm feeling later in the day. It's not lookin' good at this point.
Whatever you're up to, have a super day.
Ah, you have a super day too buddy.
Quickie tonight, maybe Betassso, maybe the new stuff at Marshall Mesa. Then packing for a double dose of the Monarch Crest this weekend. Oh yes, yes yes!
You're in prime time super season too, 'eh Ganzel?
New stuff at Marshall Mesa? Good trails? That brings back the memories.
Have fun and be safe this weekend, my brother!
New trails. The trailhead is being moved from Marshall Road to the corner of 93 and Eldo road - caddy whompas from that quickie mart. So, new trails to connect that. And more new trails being added this month out there, and now it looks like we're going to be able to ride dirt all the way to Rattlesnake out there. Check Dave's blog for the mappy goodness.
Yeah, I'm super stoked on this weekend. High attitudes and changing leaves. And unmlimited Dale's. Oh my.
Good luck at that race, if'n you're going.
thanks buddy. it's good to know the singletrack situation is getting better in boulder county... it's about time.
p.s. send dale and everyone else my greetings. have fun this weekend.
Whole E. Crap!
Who knew a scant 1.5 miles could make much of a difference. There's a sweet 4 mile dirt loop now east of 93, that's got sweet flow and awesome berm jumps. Huge jumps. Oh my, that was fun tonight.
damn dude... i'm jealous.
just think of me when you're braaaaaapin' it out there. hopefully i'll get a chance to rip it with you soon.
Oct 7/8. Nebraska. Be there.
actually i'll be in louisville, ky on the 8th and 9th at a trade show for briggs & stratton commercial power.
i can't get out of it...
sorry dude. looks like we'll have to ride together the next time i'm out there, 'cuz i know you don't come back to nebraska any too often!! :-}
That sucks. We're not headed that way for the holidays at all. KC for turkey, Oly for xmas muslim style.
can't blame you there. heck, maybe the next time we ride together we'll be on snowboards?! who knows? never say never...
That'd be sweet. Bring a helmet!
i hear ya there db. you can ring your bell super hard ridin the plank.
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