I checked my blog, it says 42:22 I checked the other spot it's posted, it says 40:22
I then was like, oh crap, where did I mess up, and is this the right time.
So I went back and checked the spread sheet, it's acurate,
I just messed up puttin the times on ffl. stupid cvo bad typiest...
good job GB.
I was worried, I thought man, if I put up the wrong time, for the first winner, that's gonnna screw up the rest of the names on the trophy, and they're times. and that's not cool.
I checked my blog, it says 42:22
I checked the other spot it's posted,
it says 40:22
I then was like, oh crap, where did I mess up, and is this the right time.
So I went back and checked the spread sheet, it's acurate,
I just messed up puttin the times on ffl. stupid cvo bad typiest...
good job GB.
I was worried, I thought man, if I put up the wrong time, for the first winner, that's gonnna screw up the rest of the names on the trophy, and they're times. and that's not cool.
I'm stoked it's accurate.
I could beat that. yeah. Umm, what's NW? heh heh
nice... i like 40:22 better anyway! thanks cvo.
dave, the "n" has to do with the time of day, and i bet you can deduce the "w". you're a smart guy. ;-}
Sweet, dude. What's the course? Is there one?
i'll have to fill you in on those specifics via another, ahem... less public medium.
i know you're cool with the info, but not everyone is.
what's the first rule of fight club?
license?! what 'choo talking about license?
you don't need no stinking license...
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