One of the most impactful new models Salsa Cycles introduced last year was the Fargo. It was an off-road adventure touring bicycle like no other that had come before it. Well, now meet the Fargo's road-going sibling - the Vaya. Combining the Fargo's proven format, layout and bottle/rack mounts (read: carry anything) with a lighter tubeset and steeper, more road-worthy geometry is a winning ticket in my book.
It's the first "road bike" that's been compelling enough for me to actually want one since my Bontrager RoadLite of 1997... Now that's impressive!
What makes this all desirable for me is the fact that this isn't just a pavement pounder... and it doesn't use rim brakes. Those two things are the silver bullets that sold me. Anyone that knows me knows that I love discs, and I also don't love being confined to blacktop. In fact, it could almost be said that I prefer gravel. That's why this bike is right up my alley. It can hang on any road I choose to ride with a simple tire swap. Sweet...

Speaking of sweet, did you catch an eye full of that color? Anyone that's a fan of dirt and wild blue sky is gonna' dig the combination Salsa chose for the Vaya. To say I'm a fan would be an understatement.
The best part is that the Vaya is already on its way to Salsa, so dealers will have them in-stock in limited numbers starting in late-February. If you're looking to add a little adventure to your life, get on down to your local Salsa Cycles dealer. They'll show you the way.
SWEEET! First the Fargo now this, Salsa is really raising the bar & getting "IT", my hats off to the Pepperman for sure.
It might not of been the ideal bike for my past Saturday's adventure but I think a Fargo would have filled the bill, the things I let my kid talk me into, I swear, ah youth!
Yeah, I hear ya' there... It's definitely something that can only handle a limited amount of abuse on rough stuff, where the Fargo is designed to take whatever you can dish out, loaded or not. It's just a matter of speed... You know the Vaya will get you there faster. You give to get. It's a refined randonneuring bike, as it were.
We should talk about that Fargo though... I'm probably going to size down to a 'large' for my 2010 Fargo, so if you want to get a hold of my 'xl' Fargo frameset, we can make it happen. Let's talk...
Talk to you soon, brother.
Yeah. That's a cool gravel rig for sure. Lighter, skinnier, faster than a Fargo.
Tempting, yes.....but- I think I can live with the Fargo. My speed is well---not Vaya speed! That and I am off-road-centric. But still a super cool offering from Salsa!
Great looking bike, but you're gonna have to pry my La Cruz from my cold dead fingers, especially since I already have a LHT in the stable. I'll still be excited to check one out in person if my shop gets one in.
Guitar Ted, I totally understand where you're coming from. For you and what you're doing, the Fargo suits you well. And for Steve, his La Cruz is an awesome weapon for him. For me, the Vaya fills a niche in my stable that has perhaps never been filled. Yeah, it overlaps a bit with some of my other bikes, capabilities-wise. My Chili Con Crosso certainly has some similar capabilities, but that said, they have some very different capabilities as well. So that'll be fun to sort out...
Getting to know new bikes is always a good time. And I'll get to tell you all about it too, and Steve, I'll be able to tell you why you'd want to buy a Vaya, as a current La Cruz owner. I have a few ideas, but we'll see if the reality matches up to my expectations before I let the cats out of the bag.
'til later on gents,
MG, I'm all ears on the Fargo!
I'll be interested in your thoughts in the Vaya once you've had some seat time MG. As for the CcC, it's similar, but it's more of a pure cross bike than the La Cruz is (was?). If I just had a CcC and wanted something lighter than a Fargo for camping and adventuring duties, it looks like the Vaya would fit.
By looking at the frame geometry, it should be a bit more nimble and sporty than my Surly LHT. Shorter chain stays and the sloped top tube will ensure that. You're probably not gonna load it down uber-heavy for months long cross country touring gig, but I'm guessing it's gonna be a very capable week long medium-weight touring bike, similar to what I see a lot of people turning to the Cross Check for on occasion.
great looking bike.
Whoaaaaa... the first time something has made me consider cheating on my LHT.
(ssssh, be very very quiet)
Thanks for the shout out MG. The Vaya is quite a rig and as you and I have discussed, pretty perfect for you.
For me, I'm with GT. I love my Fargo and where it takes me. You'll have to pry my Fargo from my cold dead hands.
I love my Vaya and feel it has a great place in my personal stable. I'll use it when I'm riding with friends on cross bikes and want just a bit faster and road like bike than my Fargo.
Thanks again and glad some folks like it!
Ben Dinger... You just made me blow coffee onto the papers on my desk with that comment!!! Thanks a LOT! ;-) LOL!! I think your LHT will completely understand having a "stable mate." In fact, it'll probably like the company. This can be your "dirty little secret." It's even brown, so the whole story sorta' works! (Yes, I'm going crazy...)
But seriously, I love the Fargo a ton too, and it's always going to have a spot in my stable. That much I know for certain. I do know that now that the Vaya is here, I'm going to size my Fargo down one size (to a large), so that it's more "off-road centric." Since I'll use the Vaya for more gravel duty, my new Fargo setup will get to lean harder towards the off-road adventure side of the coin. All good changes, as far as I'm concerned...
Thanks for the comments, guys.
Be sure and post your thoughts about the Vaya when you get one built up and get a few rides on it... the introduction of this frame has me thinking about a road bike again.
p.s. I dig your profile pic! I was the main guy that designed that skinny you're riding. :-)
Right on!! Thanks for your work on that awesome trail! I'll definitely be posting plenty about the Vaya here, on the Salsa Amigo's blog, and also most likely, on Guitar Ted's Cyclist Site at www.thecyclistsite.com/. I just got an email from him last night, and am planning to write several reviews of the bike for him at various points during my time with the Vaya. I'm really looking forward to it...
Thanks for your comments, and hopefully we'll have an opportunity to ride together at some point when I'm up in MPLS, or when you're down here in Lincoln (or perhaps somewhere in-between).
go. now.
LOL... Yes, sir!
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