I hope you're all able to get out and enjoy this incredible weather we're having today, and will have this weekend. 50-plus degrees in mid-December... I like it. You know the flip side is gonna stink though, so the old addage 'get it while it's hot' would apply.
Just remember, if you're in Wilderness Park, and you hear a 'ding-ding', or 'bike, bike' being hollered, there's likely someone coming up quick. Please, PLEASE, keep your head up and an eye out for oncoming riders so we don't have to have ambulances at the park two weeks in a row from head-on collisions in the park. Too many people have gone down this year out there in head-ons. Let's be careful out there, and we can all have a great time.
Saturday, I believe the plan is to meet at Platte @ 8am for a couple of laps of riding, then some trail building work on the 001 reroute we started a couple weekends ago. don't know if it'll get finished -- the dirt is still pretty frozen and dry to bench the trail the way we need to, but there's lots of other stuff we can get done. The more the merrier, I say, so if you've got the time and the hankerin', we'd love to see you out there.
Happy Friday!
I bought a bell just for a ride on Friday.
Wasn't as crowded as I expected.
I really gave my thumb a workout on the north side of Old Cheney.
nice... my bell broke so i was left to hollerin'. it still worked several times.
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